Letters to My Angel Layan (Shattered Words)

My Dear Angel Up Above,

Sorry if I’m vising the unkown,
but allow me my Angel,
I just miss you…

and I miss seeing your face…
hearing your beautiful laugh…
I miss that innocent look on your face
the stupid jokes we made…
the wonderful times we spent in the valley
the nights we had in our balcony…
just having fun…
nothing to worry about..
it was like nothing else in the world mattered..
except the good times that we enjoyed…
and the tea deema used to make all the time
which was your favorite my love…

Painting by Layan Shawabkeh “name: Isthmus”

Why aren’t you visitng anymore…
why don’t I see you in my dreams…
are you mad…
or is it just that you’re busy with the other angels my Angel…
I need to see you…
I need to talk to you…
you’re the one real dream in this tough life…
nothing else seems to be real…

forgive me for calling you…
forgive me if I wanna see you one more time…
just another visit…
from  the unknown…

With Love My Heavenly Happy Angel,
Abeer Allan

Painting : Layan Shawabkeh “name: Isthmus”